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Bilbao wins 4th stage of Tour of Slovenia

News Bilbao wins 4th stage of Tour of Slovenia


Spanish cyclist Pello Bilbao won today the 4th stage of Tour of Slovenia also known as the queen stage.

NBA-Finale: Dallas bleibt im Titelrennen am Leben

News NBA-Finale: Dallas bleibt im Titelrennen am Leben


Spiel 5 ereignet sich in Boston in der Nacht auf Dienstag

Oddaja Euranet Plus

Coming up Oddaja Euranet Plus


V najnovejši oddaji izpostavljamo naslednje vidnejše teme minulega tedna v EU

Na kopanju v Termah Čatež

Coming up Na kopanju v Termah Čatež


V poletni sezoni 2024 se ekipa radijske oddaje "Naj kopališče" že 35. leto zapored vsak teden odpravlja na slovenska kopališča, kjer preveri kako je poskrbljeno za dobro počutje in zabavo kopalcev.

Euranet Plus Special / Can the EU do this?: Obrambni cilji EU

Euranet Plus Euranet Plus Special / Can the EU do this?: Obrambni cilji EU


Obrambna politika je del skupne evropske zunanje in varnostne politike.

Rita Ora – Ask And You Shall Receive

Fresh Cut Rita Ora – Ask And You Shall Receive


Angleška pevka albanskih korenin Rita Ora je po uspešni lanski izdaji albuma You & I pred dnevi izdala novi single z naslovom Ask And You Shall Receive.

Bauhaus wins second stage of Tour of Slovenia

News Bauhaus wins second stage of Tour of Slovenia


Today's stage took cyclists from Žalec to Rogaška Slatina. Tomorrow's third stage will see cyclists race from Ljubljana to Nova Gorica.

Fantastika in vino v Ljutomeru

Coming up Fantastika in vino v Ljutomeru


V Ljutomeru se nadaljuje Grossmannov festival fantastičnega filma in vina. Movie Maker ga uvršča med 25 najboljših svetovnih festivalov. Ob jubileju je izšla tudi knjiga »Grossman Tales«.

NBA-Finale: Erneut Niederlage für Dallas

News NBA-Finale: Erneut Niederlage für Dallas


Falls Boston gewinnt, wäre dies bereits sein 18. Titel

Myles Smith – Stargazing

Fresh Cut Myles Smith – Stargazing


Po uspehu EP-prvenca You Promised A Lifetime si je mladenič iz Lutona, Myles Smith, ustvaril ime v glasbeni industriji s svojo edinstveno mešanico folka in popa.

Beach Weather – High In Low Places

Fresh Cut Beach Weather – High In Low Places


Po uspešni lanski izdaji LP-ja Pineapple Sunrise, na katerem najdemo uspešnico Sex, Drugs, itn., je priljubljeni ameriški band Beach Weather izdal novi single z naslovom High In Low Places.

Weitere  2,5 Millionen Euro für Gaza-Hilfe

News Weitere 2,5 Millionen Euro für Gaza-Hilfe


Slowenien will das Geld über verschiedene Institutionen fließen lassen.

The Grossman Film Festival opens in Ljutomer

News The Grossman Film Festival opens in Ljutomer


The Grossman Festival of Fantastic Film and Wine runs until the 15th of June.

Grossmann-Festival des fantastischen Films und Weines in Ljutomer

News Grossmann-Festival des fantastischen Films und Weines in Ljutomer


In Ljutomer beginnt heute das jährliche Grossmann-Festival des phantastischen Films und Weines. In der 20. Ausgabe werden 31 Abend- und 37 Kurzfilme aus 21 Ländern gezeigt.

Hard-Fi – Don't Go Making Plans

Fresh Cut Hard-Fi – Don't Go Making Plans


Britanski indie rockerji Hard-Fi so v zgodnjih letih tega stoletja z albumoma Stars of CCTV in Once Upon a Time in the West dosegli globalno prepoznavnost.

Opposition Democrats win EU election, as right wing gets five MEPs

News Opposition Democrats win EU election, as right wing gets five MEPs


The opposition Democratic Party (SDS) has won the EU election in Slovenia and will get four of the country's nine seats in the European Parliament.

Alkopops - uvertura v pitje alkohola

Coming up Alkopops - uvertura v pitje alkohola


Proizvajalci si prizadevajo prodati idejo o svobodi in užitku, v resnici pa prodajajo družbeno sprejemljivo psihoaktivno snov, ki nagovarja predvsem mlade.

Foster the People – Lost In Space

Fresh Cut Foster the People – Lost In Space


Priljubljeni ameriški indie pop dvojec Foster the People s singlom Lost In Space po sedmih letih napoveduje izdajo četrtega studijskega albuma Paradise State of Mind, ki bo izšel 16. avgusta.

Slovenia votes in EU elections and three referendums

News Slovenia votes in EU elections and three referendums


Apart from Slovenia, 21 other EU countries are taking part on the final day of the EU elections.

Roglič strengthens lead with second consecutive win in Critérium du Dauphiné

News Roglič strengthens lead with second consecutive win in Critérium du Dauphiné


Slovenian cyclist Primož Roglič secured his second consecutive stage win in the Critérium du Dauphiné today, solidifying his lead in the overall standings.

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