PM Robert Golob said more than EUR 600m in flood aid will start to be paid out in the coming weeks to individuals, businesses and local authorities. PM Golob added that this is the biggest payment ever made in Slovenia connected to a natural disaster.
Meanwhile from Brussels, Agriculture Minister Irena Šinko said the August floods caused EUR 145m of damage to Slovenia's agriculture. Arriving at today's session of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council, she said more than 2,700 farms were affected by the floods. In addition, 1.5 million cubic metres of forest and 1,700km of forest roads have also been damaged, including equipment and machinery. EUR 1.2 million is already available to Slovenia though EU's agricultural reserves and the minister is now negotiating more funding through next year's EU budget.

Photo: BoBo/Borut Živulović
Photo: BoBo/Borut Živulović