Foto: BoBo
Foto: BoBo

According to Caritas, the aid that comes from Slovenia helps the lives of some 250 thousand people in Africa on a daily basis. Many donors from Slovenia also support the monthly work payments for the poorest Africans.

Children and families in Africa still don't have the basic goods and conditions to survive due to poverty and the effects of climate change. There are more and more diseases and famine, and many are forced to leave their homes in order to survive.

Jana Lampe, the head of international aid at Slovenia's Caritas, says the areas they help are located in the remote countryside where Catholic missionaries are present, where there are no schools, where people live in mud huts and walk for many kilometers every day in order to bring water.

With the support of Slovenian missionaries and locals, new hospitals, schools and water wells are being built in central Africa. Food, clothes, seeds and soap is being distributed to the local residents. Not long ago goats were purchased for 600 of the poorest families in Ruanda – one goat costs 20 euros in Ruanda.

With their monthly donations more than 500 Slovenians pay for the work of around 300 poor families. "I had a bad conscious and said to myself that if I can't contribute 24 euros for a family, which is enough for them to survive, then I should be ashamed of myself ," explains Vera Muha, a donor, who has already been supporting families in Africa through monthly payments for four years now.

This year, Caritas is also collecting monthly contributions to pay for the work of health workers and teachers at its missions in Africa.