In Ljutomer they celebrated the 150th anniversary of when the first Slovene Camp was held. Foto: Borut Pahor/Twitter
In Ljutomer they celebrated the 150th anniversary of when the first Slovene Camp was held. Foto: Borut Pahor/Twitter

In Ljutomer they celebrated the 150th anniversary of when the first Slovene Camp was held. In August 1868, 7,000 people demanded a united Slovenia and the public usage of the Slovenian language.

The events from 150 years ago should be an inspiration for the current generations, since the modern consumer society is losing a sense of positive values.

Historian Miran Puconja believes, we should look up to our ancestors and what gave them an identity and what made them Slovenes since, at that time, they had to be different and even think differently.

The main speaker, the President of Slovenia Borut Pohor, emphasized the mutual interests, as he quoted the invitation to Ljutomer’s Camp from 150 years ago, which is still relevant today: Providing all classes come together, we shall achieve something great and life will get better.

The representatives of civil society and economy delivered Camp’s requirements, which are supposed to be the basis for the development of Slovenia in the following decade.