257,369 Slovenian pupils are going back to school. Foto: BoBo
257,369 Slovenian pupils are going back to school. Foto: BoBo

184,169 pupils and 73,200 high school students are starting a new school year, which includes three working Saturdays and this means longer New Year holidays.

Elementary school is facing many changes this year. About 144 elementary schools will organize a slightly different extended program. In 125 primary schools, pupils will have the option to choose an additional subject regarding physical activity.

High school students who are over 18 are also facing some changes. Their parents will from now on need their child's consent before they can see their child’s grades. The apprenticeship program is also expanding.

Stricter police supervision
There are several police officers, security officers and volunteers located around schools, kindergartens and school routes making sure the students have a safe journey to school and back home. They are also warning drivers to drive slower around schools and parents are advised to educate their children about the road traffic safety.

Volunteers are protecting children
There are more than 500 volunteers from the Slovenian Traffic Safety Agency and Mechanics Associations, who will protect school routes of 101 Slovenian schools. In addition to that, this year they will prolong a project about child protection on school routes in the second week of September.