The tunnel opening ceremony was on June 1, 1991, and on the following day the tunnel was opened for traffic. Foto: BoBo
The tunnel opening ceremony was on June 1, 1991, and on the following day the tunnel was opened for traffic. Foto: BoBo

Precisely 25 years ago the representatives of the state ceremoniously cut the tape to inaugurate the first tube of the Karavanke tunnel. It took five years to complete the first tube, while we are still waiting for the second.

The total length of the tunnel is 8,019 metres (7,864 metres being below ground); 3,750 metres of which on the Slovenian ground. The construction of the tunnel started in August 1986.213 workers needed 1021 days and used 274 tons of explosives for a tunnel hole-through. The tunnel opening ceremony was on June 1, 1991, and on the following day the tunnel was opened for traffic.

The construction of the second tube, which is vital due to heavy traffic, should start in 2018, depending on the acquisition of the building permit and the successfulness of the tender for construction works contractor. The completion of the second tube is planned for 2021, when the renovation of the old part of the tunnel should start. Both tubes of the tunnel could be operative by 2023.