At this time 58 policemen from abroad are helping at the Slovenian border. Next week more than 150 will join them. Foto: BoBo
At this time 58 policemen from abroad are helping at the Slovenian border. Next week more than 150 will join them. Foto: BoBo

Due to increased scope of work caused by the refugee crisis a number of policemen from abroad are helping the Slovenian Police: eight from Austria, five from Germany, 20 from Lithuania, and 25 from Estonia. As we were informed by the General Police Directorate (GPU), 20 policemen from Slovakia are already on their way to Slovenia.

GPU announced the arrival of five policemen from France, 20 from the Czech Republic, 50 from Hungary, and probably 50 policemen from Italy and seven from Austria on Monday, and 20 from Latvia on Tuesday. 25 policemen from Romania are expected within next two weeks.

Slovakian policemen at the Gruškovje centre
Six policemen from Austria have been working for some time already at the territory of the Maribor Police Directorate, and on Saturday 20 policemen arriving from Slovakia will start working at the accommodation centre Gruškovje. We were informed by the Maribor Police Directorate that the arrival of approximately 100 policemen from several European countries is expected soon.

B. V.
Translated by G. K.