The second application period for undergraduate and integrated master study programs in the upcoming academic year opens on Wednesday. Foto: BoBo
The second application period for undergraduate and integrated master study programs in the upcoming academic year opens on Wednesday. Foto: BoBo

7,332 free places (there were 9,058 last year) – 4,869 places for regular studies (6,119 last year) and 2,463 places for part-time studies (2,939 last year) – are still available in the second application round at the universities in Ljubljana, Maribor, the University of Primorska, in Nova Gorica, as well as at other public and independent higher education institutions.

Available in the second round
At the University of Ljubljana there are 2,852 available places in the second application period (1.955 for regular and 897 for part-time studies), at the University of Maribor there are 2.315 (1.691 for regular and 624 for part-time studies), at the University of Primorska there are 675 (528 for regular and 147 for part-time studies), at the University of Nova Gorica there are 228 (173 for regular and 55 for part-time studies), and at the other public and independent higher education institutions there are 1.262 still available places for students (522 for regular and 740 for part-time studies).