Members of a Gorica female group, which is also active with the Nova Gorica tourist office, has donated 101 pairs of knitted baby slippers to the Šempeter pri Gorici maternity ward. Foto: Foto: Zdenka Tomulić
Members of a Gorica female group, which is also active with the Nova Gorica tourist office, has donated 101 pairs of knitted baby slippers to the Šempeter pri Gorici maternity ward. Foto: Foto: Zdenka Tomulić

The first in a series of campaigns and events, to take place all year round to mark the 70th anniversary of Nova Gorica, took place at the Šempeter pri Gorici maternity ward. Members of a Gorica working group, consisting of local women and girls, donated hand-knitted slippers to the first-born baby of the year at the Dr. Franca Derganca general hospital in Šempeter. The event was part of a bigger project of the working group - it plans to donate a total of 700 pairs of baby slippers until the end of the year to all the newborns. The first one hundred pairs have already been handed over to the maternity ward.

Katarina Strosar had this to say: "In line with our previous activities, we have decided to bring warmth and softness to the 70th anniversary of Nova Gorica. We will knit 700 slippers for all the newborns. According to our calculations we will need three hours of work for every pair. That means around three months for 700 pairs of slippers. One third of the total amount of slippers has already been handed over to the Šempeter maternity ward."