95-kilo chocolate bar will be distributed at the Chocolate Festival in Radovljica. Foto: BoBo
95-kilo chocolate bar will be distributed at the Chocolate Festival in Radovljica. Foto: BoBo

The preparations took several days. At first 70 kilograms of chocolate were poured into a large metal mould, spread evenly, and then scattered with hazelnuts. The chocolate will be distributed among the visitors of the Chocolate Festival taking place this weekend in Radovljica.
And while busy workers were making the giant chocolate bar, another group was making a large sculpture of the little girl from Gorenjska region - naturally, from chocolate. "The piece was made of 200 kilograms of Gorenjka chocolate," the sculptor Miro Rismondo explained, and added that among other tools, a chain saw was also used …
The only chocolate factory in Slovenia has been present at the Slovenian market for 95 years, has a 25%market share in rolls, and 10% market share in chocolate. Annually, Gorenjka produces 1,600 tons of chocolate.
Jan Novak, TV Slovenija; translated by G. K.