The company is also intensely studying other locations where all production needs could be met in a single location. Whatever happens, Seaways production will remain based in the Gorenjska region. Foto: BoBo
The company is also intensely studying other locations where all production needs could be met in a single location. Whatever happens, Seaways production will remain based in the Gorenjska region. Foto: BoBo

The former Seaway customer and distributor Vladimir Zinchenko began with seven workers; now he has 120 in Zapuže alone, while a further 70 will be employed by the end of this year in Škofja Loka. Zinchenko says the biggest problem of Seaway is the limited manufacturing capacity, even though the company has managed to regain most of the customers and dealers it had lost after its bankruptcy.

"We'd like to enter certain markets, but we need to fulfill current demands, so our first step is an expansion to Trata in Škofja Loka, where we will manufacture plastic parts on our own," said Zinchenko.

The company is also intensely studying other locations where all production needs could be met in a single location. Whatever happens, Seaways production will remain based in the Gorenjska region. "This is where our key people are – the knowledge behind Greenline is here. We can't move to the Primorska region or to Maribor, since none of the experts who work here would follow."

Romana Erjavec, Radio Slovenija
Translated by J. B.