The barbed wire along the Kolpa River and in Osilnica has upset the local population. It questions the logic behind the dangerous fence, erected in an already difficult-to-cross terrain, far away from main traffic flows. Foto: MMC RTV SLO
The barbed wire along the Kolpa River and in Osilnica has upset the local population. It questions the logic behind the dangerous fence, erected in an already difficult-to-cross terrain, far away from main traffic flows. Foto: MMC RTV SLO
On Sunday, the 20th of December, there will be a march along the wire fence in the upper Kolpa area and in Osilnica. Organizers will also highlight the absurdity of the fence by decorating it for the upcoming holidays. They say the fence makes daily life in the border area even more difficult. Foto: MMC RTV SLO

Locals have reacted strongly to the dangerous razor-sharp fence. In some narrow parts of the Kolpa gorge the fence runs very close to their homes, gardens and fields. That is why they demand the removal of the fence. In order to show their protest, on the 20th of December they plan to decorate the barbed wire fence and organize a march along the wire.
Collected two thousand signatures in three days
Soldiers have already put up 10 kilometers of the dangerous fence through villages in the Municipality of Kostel. Locals oppose the action and are of the opinion that the fence is completely unnecessary, as the Kolpa River itself and the difficult terrain prevent illegal crossings over the border. In only three days a group of Kostel residents managed to collect almost two thousand signatures, for a petition against the barbed wire fence and its removal. Both border municipalities, Kostel and Osilnica, have a joint population of a little more than one thousand inhabitants.
"Tears come to our eyes"
One of the initiators of the petition is Igor Volf, who is also a council member in the Municipality of Kostel. Commenting on the barbed wire he says: "The barbed wire is a knife in the back for the Kolpa area. Nobody has gained anything with the wire, but we have all lost a lot. You have to know that this region has always been fighting against fences and borders. Tears come our eyes when we see the erection of the barbed wire fence along the gorge of the Kolpa River, which is part of the Natura 2000 European Ecological Network. We see the fence as an enclosed camp, limiting the activities of fishermen and hunters. The fence also means an end to tourism. Who will be responsible if a child gets entangled in the fence and cuts itself? In the immediate vicinity of the barbed wire there is a school, a kindergarten and Center for school and afterschool activities. It is really a fence of fools."
Notifications two days after the erection of the fence
A forest owner in the village of Slavski Laz, Rudi Kastelic, is angry that the army has occupied his forest and put up a fence without informing him: "The barbed wire was put up two days ago and they notified me about it today.” As a fisherman he is also afraid of what will happen when the Kolpa River floods the fence and carries it away. He says the fence stands in an area prone to flooding. "If the fence is under water and someone gets cut and tangled up, he might remain in the water forever."
A romantic wedding with barbed wire in the background?
The Kovač family from Osilnica also fears the consequences the barbed wire along the Kolpa River will have on the area. The family lives from tourism, which is closely connected to the river. Alenka Kovač says: "This is a big step back for us. The fence will close all access to the Kolpa River. Kayaking and rafting are a part of our tourist offer. In the summer our guests also like to swim in the river. The number of weddings by the Kolpa is also on the rise. Can you imagine a romantic wedding by the Kolpa River with barbed wire in the background?"
Christmas-New Year decorations for the barbed wire
Also joining in the campaign against the barbed wire is the Kostel Tourist and Sports Association. On Sunday, the 20th of December, they will express their protest by decorating the wire fence with New Year decorations. They will also organize a march along the wire and invite all those deem the fence unnecessary to join them. Organizers are of the opinion that the barbed wire will not solve the refugee crisis, but only make life more difficult for ourselves.