Last year the camp was open from 1 May 1 to 30 September, during which time it hosted almost 2,000 overnight stays, which has not happened since its opening. Photo: Bobo Foto:
Last year the camp was open from 1 May 1 to 30 September, during which time it hosted almost 2,000 overnight stays, which has not happened since its opening. Photo: Bobo Foto:

66,200 passengers were brought to Velika planina last year with the cable car. This is 10,000 more than the year before, and the highest number in the last 22 years since the data has been electronically monitored, announced the Velika Planina company.

Velika planina is an increasingly recognizable tourist destination. More than 200,000 people visit it each year, both during the summer and winter months.

The increase in the number of visitors is also felt in the spring when the saffron blooms, notes the company. A record number of visitors also showed up during the Labour-day holidays, amounting to no fewer than 10,000 visitors.

Also a record visit to the campsite
In addition to cableway infrastructure and three catering facilities, the company also manages the Alpe camp under Velika planina near the lower station of the cable car. The camp has been thoroughly renovated over the last two years. The sanitary facilities were upgraded, trees were planted for the distribution of plots for camper vans and all five of the so-called Alpine / glamping houses were refurbished.

Last year the camp was open from 1 May 1 to 30 September, during which time it hosted almost 2,000 overnight stays, which has not happened since its opening.

The company also fixed up the surroundings of the cable car's lower station, modernised the system of ticket sales, renovated the Zeleni rob guesthouse and carried out numerous other investment activities to improve the quality of services and offers. In 2018, they will start building a new operational and administrative facility with premises needed for a smooth operation of cableways as well as catering and tourism on Velika planina. Catering facilities will also be modernized, also promises the company.