Almost one fourth of the
Almost one fourth of the "against" votes in the referendum on the marriage act came from those supporting parties in the government coalition. Foto: BoBo

lmost one fourth of the "against" votes in the referendum on the marriage act came from those supporting parties in the government coalition. A survey conducted by Valicon says that without their participation, the number of "against" votes would not have gone above 300.000.
Key to the success of those opposing the amendments to the marriage act was the participation in the referendum of those voters which do not back right-wing politics. 49 percent of the surveyed supporters of parties in the government, as well as from the ZaAB Alliance of Alenka Bratušek and PS Positive Slovenia parties, voted against the amendments.

The biggest percent of those supporting the amendments, 85 percent, came from those backing the United Left and the Pirate Party.

According to Valicon, what influenced the final outcome was also the abstinence of those who assured two days before the election black-out that they would most certainly take part in the referendum. In the end only four fifths of those went to vote and the ratio among them was no longer 50:50, but 60:40 in favour of the »against« camp.

The analysis of the Valicon marketing consulting and research company is based on a web survey, which was conducted yesterday and on Sunday on a representative sample, which also included party affiliation and actual vote participation. The representative sample covered 1.450 respondents.