In this way Jožica will get to know the daily routine of Spanish pensioners living at the Spanish Mediterranean coast, not far from Barcelona, while Ribas will spend a week at the Centre for the Elderly Zimzelen in Topolšica. The dynamic pensioner is looking forward to a holiday in Spain, as she likes to travel, meet new people, and see new places.
"Once a year I leave for two months to pay a visit to my niece in Canada. I am looking forward to the exchange and my trip to Spain, I even dream about it! I have no fears, I can hardly wait! I speak German fluently, English not so well, but I am confident I will be able to communicate," told us Jožica Kučera before leaving.
She had to leave home early on
She was born at Ponikva pri Žalcu, and after finishing her training for a cook she left for Austria. In Vienna she had got a job, and had lived and worked there for 50 years. She had made a family there, but five years ago her husband died which affected her deeply. "I became sick, therefore I decided to return to my homeland where I have relatives. I don't have children, but my brother and his family live in Velenje. At first I intended to buy a flat, but then I realized I am getting older, and can't rely on anybody's help."
She says she never regretted her decision to move into a home for old people. "I am very satisfied, my days are full of activities: I work out, swim into the nearby spa, putter around flowers, take walks, talk to the other tenants, participate at all kinds of events… And when I don't feel like doing any of those things, I take a cab and go shopping to Velenje, or visit my brother,« she lists the activities which make her days in the retirement home interesting.
An interesting programme for Mr Ribas
While she will be enjoying her days under the hot Spanish sun, 81-year old Miguel Ribas will enjoy his time in the shade of the Koroško forests. He doesn't speak Slovenian, but the organizers of the exchange have quickly found the solution: the 'students' of the Spanish language at the third life period university, and the students of the Velenje School Centre will help Mr Ribas to bridge the language gap. The retirement home has also prepared a number of activities for Mr Ribero, including the possibility to get acquainted with our country and our culture. A meeting with Anunciada Fernández de Córdova, Spanish ambassador in Slovenia, has been scheduled as well.
This is the first international exchange based on the LinkedAge web platform which encourages the mobility of senior citizens, and was last year proclaimed as the best entrepreneurial idea.
Ksenja Tratnik, translated by G. K.