Last year, companies generated net profits of 3.6 billion euros Foto: Pixabay
Last year, companies generated net profits of 3.6 billion euros Foto: Pixabay

Last year, companies generated net profits of 3.6 billion euros. This was certainly a successful year, agrees Marjan Širaj from Ajpes, which analysed the companies' annual reports. Only the record year of 2007 surpasses last year’s net profits. Profits were up by 15% compared to the year before. There are 28,000 more people working in the private sector and nearly 1,000 more companies operating.

Even though companies increased their income by more than 10%, the increase in average salary was marginal – only 1% in real terms. Added value per employee also increased, but only modestly. Barely 2% across the year, reaching 43,000 euros.