Iva Zupančič was best known for being a character actress. Foto: Urška Boljkovac/Senzorium
Iva Zupančič was best known for being a character actress. Foto: Urška Boljkovac/Senzorium

Iva Zupančič was best known for being a character actress. She played more than 130 characters during her career. Her first roles featured ingénues and sweet girls. Zupančič had started performing at the Ljubljana City Theatre during her studies but spent most of her time on the stage of the Slovenian National Theatre Drama, from where she retired in 1993.

She took part in numerous radio plays as well as a few films and received a number of awards: the Prešeren Fund award in 1968, The Borštnik Diploma in 1971 and the Borštnik Ring in 1997.

M. K.; translated by K. Z.