The highest-lying ski centre in Slovenia will start operating again after a four-year break. Foto: Radio Koper
The highest-lying ski centre in Slovenia will start operating again after a four-year break. Foto: Radio Koper

Transport to Kanin will be free of charge today. Tickets at the centre will be offered at a discount price - 17 euros for a day-ticket for adults instead of the regular 29. Open will be the shortest ski course, Sedlo, a good 200-meter-long cross-country ski course, a sledding area and a kindergarten for the youngest. Also operating will be a restaurant offering full service.

The ski centre is managed by a newly established company, Sončni Kanin, set up by the Municipality of Bovec and currently run by Marijan Skornišek. The company received the operating permits for its chairlifts yesterday and has already employed around 30 people. In the coming months more people are expected to be hired, but not before the first larger batch of snow. Skornišek said that it in the future it will also be possible to rent ski and cross-country ski equipment, while locals will start offering their services through ski schools. Cooperation with the Sella Nevea neighbouring ski centre has also been renewed, which means that with a single ticket one will be able to ski on both sides of the Kanin Mountain. Interestingly, neither of the two ski centres has any artificial snow-making machines, as there is not enough water for them on Kanin.