In an interview for Radio Koper and Primorske Novice, Alenka Bratušek said the procedure dealing with the issue has been fast-tracked. Photo: BoBo Foto:
In an interview for Radio Koper and Primorske Novice, Alenka Bratušek said the procedure dealing with the issue has been fast-tracked. Photo: BoBo Foto:

The Ministry of Infrastructure admitted that it was surprised by the increased traffic on the route from Postojna to the Jelšane border crossing. Minister Alenka Bratušek says the procedure for a new road connection has been fast-tracked. "Things are happening a lot quicker and this important road is being situated into the area's map. But until it's constructed, roadworks, reconstructions and the widening of the existing road will be happening. And at this moment that's all I can say i.e. promise."

Bratušek says officials are discussing the construction of an expressway: "The quantity of traffic has forced us to deal with the issue, and the Croatian side is also doing everything for the sea connection to be as it should be."

A ban on trucks is not an option
In the past month locals organized a number of protests – also between Kozina and Starod – to warn of their unbearable situation because of the transit of freight transport. "I understand that living next to that road is really difficult, that they want a better life and they do have the right to a better life. But I alone can't go back in time and change things. I can only give an assurance for the future, that we will work faster and that we are aware of the problem. But the protests will not help solve the situation," added the minister.

Bratušek counts on the cooperation of the local community when the time comes to situate the new road links in the spatial plan. She also said that a full ban on trucks on both sections to the border with Croatia will not be possible.