European MPs asked Bratušek about her idea of functioning of the European energy union, considering the problems with unity the EU is facing.. Foto: MMC RTV SLO/Reuters
European MPs asked Bratušek about her idea of functioning of the European energy union, considering the problems with unity the EU is facing.. Foto: MMC RTV SLO/Reuters

Promotion of economic growth, renewable energy sources, new jobs, sustainable growth are the tasks she would face as a possible commissioner. Energetic union, which presents one of the key tasks of the EU in the next five years, should connect the European Union into a whole, which could be useful in fighting the crisis still affecting the EU.

"We made sure Slovenia found its way out of the economic crisis. I am used to working under heavy pressure, but sometimes a woman's soft touch is needed to calm things down," the candidate for vice-president of the European commission instructed her examiners.

She explained to the members of parliament the complications regarding her candidature for commissioner. She said Slovenia had only two options: either not to give any names to Brussel, but to wait for a decision of the new government, which would have had consequences in forming Juncker's commission. Therefore they choose the second option and sent three names, and Mr Juncker chose her.

Bratušek also emphasized she was aware of the importance of the relationship with Russia for energy supply in Europe. Europe must secure energy independence by energy diversification, which means we must strengthen the European policy in the field of research and development, as well as sustainable development, and green growth. Certain measures, as e.g. energy renovation of buildings will simultaneously strengthen European industry, and provide new jobs.

G. C.

Translated by G. K.