Metka Naglič from the Amnesty International Slovenia emphasizes the adoption of amendments to the Aliens Act. Foto: The National Assembly/Barbara Žejavac
Metka Naglič from the Amnesty International Slovenia emphasizes the adoption of amendments to the Aliens Act. Foto: The National Assembly/Barbara Žejavac

The shadow on those improvements was however thrown by the active efforts to limit the refugee rights, warns Metka Naglič from the Amnesty International Slovenia. She emphasizes the adoption of amendments to the Aliens Act. "The measures prescribed by this law will bring severe violations of human rights; migrants and refugees are treated as a safety threat."
According to AI Slovenia, both the act on Police powers and act on border control were adopted made through fuelling the economic and safety anxiety, without suitable analysis and genuine public discussion. Again, no progress was made regarding Roma rights, which has become a constant in AI warnings addressed to Slovenia.