At the 13th Ljubljana Month of Design the EFEKT 58 Pusher shovel won the prize for best design achievement in 2015. Foto: David Kobilca, Robi Srebrenič
At the 13th Ljubljana Month of Design the EFEKT 58 Pusher shovel won the prize for best design achievement in 2015. Foto: David Kobilca, Robi Srebrenič

Designer Marko Pavlinec says his prize-winning Efekt 58 Pusher shovel is "unique on the market" because of its function and design. More than 100.000 pieces have been made in the past seven years, mainly for the foreign market.

"A good shovel is designed to be an extension of the user's anatomy and his surroundings," says industrial designer Marko Pavlinec. He stressed that the key thing in developing the ergonomic snow shovel was "not to develop a shovel, but a tool i.e. an extension of the body for removing snow". "All that was really needed was to take a look at a 'shovel' from a different perspective." The name Efekt 58 Pusher indicates that the shovel is effective i.e. efficient and intended for pushing snow. The number indicates the width of the shovel, which is 58 cm.

So what's the difference between a good and poor shovel? "The combination of chosen optimal materials, the innovative technology for manufacturing and studious testing," continues Marko and adds that because of the above-mentioned the Efekt shovel "adjusts to the user, rather than the user to the shovel". The shovel is made from a special supermaterial polypropylene.

The shovel was developed in the RINZ ROS products company, which was co-founded by Pavlinec, for seven years. The company, headed by Marko Pavlinec and his brother Damjan, has six employees, but indirectly collaborates with more than 60 other employees from a high-tech production unit in Sežana.