Drago Jančar has been awarded the Ignazio Silone International prize in the Italian town of Pescina. Foto: BoBo
Drago Jančar has been awarded the Ignazio Silone International prize in the Italian town of Pescina. Foto: BoBo

Explaining its decision the jury labeled the Slovenian author as a "poet of his own Slovenia, freedom, democratic values and friendship among peoples."

Jančar's last work, which has also been translated into Italian, is his novel called To noč sem jo videl (That Night I Saw Her). Jančar received his third Slovenian Kresnik prize for that novel. Italian readers can now read the story based on the tragic account of Rado and Ksenija Hribar from Strmol Castle, titled Stanotte l'ho vista.

The awards ceremony was held as part of the 20th annual event in the Italian town of Pescina, which remembers the renowned Italian writer Ignazio Silone. Silone was born in Pescina in the year 1900.