The locals brought with them signs which said: We demand 400 green jobs in our area, Let the people of Štajerska have the Ljubljana standard of living and Will I pay my bills with your appeals. Foto: MMC RTV SLO/Urška Jereb Brankovič
The locals brought with them signs which said: We demand 400 green jobs in our area, Let the people of Štajerska have the Ljubljana standard of living and Will I pay my bills with your appeals. Foto: MMC RTV SLO/Urška Jereb Brankovič

But they faced closed doors. Despite previous announcements, to date no environmental organisation has yet filed an appeal aimed at stopping this investment in the Štajersko region. After waiting for an hour in front of the office of five environmental NGOs, the inhabitants of the Hoče-Slivnica municipality left the centre of Ljubljana disappointed.

"Should I pay my bills with appeals?"
The locals brought with them signs which said: We demand 400 green jobs in our area, Let the people of Štajerska have the Ljubljana standard of living and Will I pay my bills with your appeals.

As there was no response from the environmental organisations, the protesters fixed a written message to the doors of the Environmental Centre. "Do not undermine the project. Discuss. Demand answers. Co-operate and control. But do not destroy." This was their message to the NGOs. They also warned them that, were the Magna project to be stopped, they would have to take responsibility for the consequences.

Jože Merkuš, the former mayor of the municipality in which the new paint shop is to be located, warned that, without Magna, the poverty and social problems of the locals might increase. At the same time, he stands for a very strict oversight of the construction and operation of the Magna factory.

The Commission for the Prevention of Corruption responded to the events regarding Magna. It warned that the situation is very sensitive, especially as far as environmental NGOs are concerned. The NGOs have supposedly been pressed not to stop the government's project with their appeals, while at the same time, these same organisations are financed with state money. According to the Commission, risks of corruption might be created.

Al. Ma. (MMC), U. J. B. (RA Slovenija), translated by A. L.