"Anthem of Love" echoes across Slovenia for a fifth time. Foto: BoBo

The initiators of the project say the main idea is for people to connect in one shared moment and dedicate it to love in the broadest sense of the word.
"We wish that people stop for a moment and focus on love, that they unite and tune to each other with this song. In that way we can later also talk about the things that divide us. The news we get is mostly negative and you can sense a lack of optimism in people's eyes. With this initiative we want to reawaken the optimism," says the press release issued by the initiators of the All-Slovenian Day of Love campaign.
They also had this to say about the song itself: "It's an anthem of love. It nostalgically reminds older generations of the times when love was more accessible and when there seemed to be more of it. If offers trust to the younger generations, that they trust themselves and have faith in tomorrow. It opens the path ahead for everyone."
Many people were invited to help support the project. The idea was for everyone to sing the Day of Love song at 6 p.m., whether at home, outdoors, alone or in the company of friends, colleagues or passers-by.
A. K., MMC; translated by K. J.