A large number of people gathered at the Prešeren square for an anti-racist rally, where the group Anti-Racist Front without Borders warned against the unacceptable migration policies of the EU. Foto: BoBo
A large number of people gathered at the Prešeren square for an anti-racist rally, where the group Anti-Racist Front without Borders warned against the unacceptable migration policies of the EU. Foto: BoBo

The organizers of the anti-racist rally claim that the EU's measures do not go beyond setting up hurdles, barb wire and repression, arguing that their actions are based on »safety«. They reject the idea of safety based on racism and fear. "We will not stand by and watch the butchering of people fleeing war and trying to find a better life."
The protesters were also addressed by Ljubljana Mayor Zoran Janković, who said that the city is ready, and could provide housing for some 190 refugees. Areas with bathroom and toilet facilities have been organized as well, and arrangements for special food, while mufti will provide spiritual care.
Minor incident
A couple of hundreds of people participated in the rally. A minor incident happened with two men holding banners started shouting their contradiction to "Islamisation of Europe". The participants in the rally responded with loud disapproval, and the Police intervened.