The protesters carried banners reading
The protesters carried banners reading "No to racism" and "We are people too". Foto: BoBo

About 30 refugees joined the protest. They find the most upsetting the lack of information about their status; some have been waiting for more than a year, and the lengthy procedures make it impossible for them to get education and work, which is what they want, Televizija Slovenija reported.

According to the STA Slovenian Press Agency (Slovenske tiskovne agencije) which refers to the daily newspaper Delo, they claim the asylum system in Slovenia is not good.

Not even a doctor is available at the Asylum Centre, they spend their days waiting and hoping for information, but nobody tells them anything. There are four to five persons per room, which is too many. And although they are entitled to € 18 per month, they haven't received any money two months in a row, the daily wrote.

Peaceful protest
One of the refugees called attention to the fact that he came to Slovenia from Greece, under official transfer programme, which means that there all the necessary interviews had been made, and adequate documents had been submitted. The Greeks assured him that the procedure would continue promptly, but several months had already passed, and he is still in Slovenia, with no prospects of going anywhere.
The protest was peaceful. The protesters carried banners reading "No to racism" and "We are people too". They explained that they would like to present their problems to the Minister of the Interior Vesna Györkös Žnidar.