200 tonnes of salt and 10 tonnes of the salt blossom is the monthly harvest of salt, however, people at the salt pans are not satisfied with such quantity, said the director of Sečovlje Salt Pans, Klavdij Godnič. Foto: Radio Koper
200 tonnes of salt and 10 tonnes of the salt blossom is the monthly harvest of salt, however, people at the salt pans are not satisfied with such quantity, said the director of Sečovlje Salt Pans, Klavdij Godnič. Foto: Radio Koper

200 tonnes of salt and 10 tonnes of the salt blossom is the monthly harvest of salt, however, people at the salt pans are not satisfied with such quantity, said the director of Sečovlje Salt Pans, Klavdij Godnič. “This year wasn’t as bad as 2014, however, we don’t have enough stock for the next two years. If there are not at least 1000 tonnes of table salt this year, there will be a supply problem in Slovenia.”

The situation with the salt blossom is a bit more positive because there are enough stocks. Last year, they produced over 60 tonnes of salt blossom. The quality of the salt is not yet questionable. “If there is a good base in the pool, there shouldn’t be a problem. The quality of the salt is good. If there is going to be a storm every week in August, we’re going to have a problem. In that case, a firm base slowly disappears. Even though the salt is still good, we want quality white salt,” said the manager of the production Dario Sau.

To meet the planned, it would take 55 production days with an average production of about 50 tons of salt per day. So far, they have had 8 days with half of the previously mentioned quantity. They rely on longer periods of sunny weather when the water gets thicker. In that case, they would be able to pick a sufficient quantity of the salt.