Unofficially, Bobinac is suspected of abuse of inside information. Foto: BoBo
Unofficially, Bobinac is suspected of abuse of inside information. Foto: BoBo

The ATVP agency filed charges against Gorenje and Bobinac after both the Premier's cabinet and Gorenje confirmed that Bobinac had informed PM Miro Cerar on the due diligence conducted by the Japanese corporation Panasonic, with the intent of purchasing a larger stake in Gorenje, Radio Slovenija reported.

Thus the suspicion of abuse of inside information obviously exists. The president of the government is not the person which should have access to such price-sensitive information. ATVP disclosed no details. "The agency has filed a criminal charge to the district state prosecutor's office regarding this procedure for suspected abuse of inside information," Anka Čadež, the deputy of the agency explained.

We should mention again that the price of the Gorenje shares has been increasing rapidly, without any obvious publicly known reasons. In July the Panasonic intention of conducting due diligence of Gorenje became known, in case they decide on increasing their ownership share. Gorenje made the decision to postpone this announcement, which means that the news was published two weeks after the contract with Panasonic had been signed. Their decision triggered numerous polemics, and the dust was raised even more by the news that Bobinac had informed the Prime Minister of the due diligence.

A. Č.; Translated by G. K.