Austria intends to erect a fence similar to the one erected in Spielfeld also at other Carinthia border crossings. Foto: BoBo
Austria intends to erect a fence similar to the one erected in Spielfeld also at other Carinthia border crossings. Foto: BoBo

The planned measures on refugees adopted by the Austrian government signal that Austria wants no more surprises. As reported by the RTV Slovenija journalist Petra Kos Gnamuš. the preparations for the erection of the fence are going on also at the Slovenian-Austrian border; the owners of the plots along the border have already been informed.
"The erection of the fence is planned in some municipalities, more precisely at the border crossings Lawamünd /Labot, Hornberg/Holmec, Ravnjak/Rauniak and Leifling/Libeliče. No term plan has been made yet, but we want to get ready for the possibility of an increased number of refugees now, while the situation is still calm," the spokesperson of the Carinthia provincial police Rainer Dionisio explained for Radio Slovenija.
The Austrian business daily Das WirtschaftsBlatt had quoted the Carinthia Police statements that the fence would be erected "wherever necessary ". The fence is not planned for the entire length of the border with Slovenia, as "there is no need for a fence on mountain summits." The owners of the plots of land could be compensated for fences on their land, just as the owners from the Austrian Styria and Burgenland were offered a compensation.