Since acquiring Sava Turizem, the Bank Assets Management Company (BAMC) owns 30% of all the hotel capacities in Slovenia. The Sava and Istrabenz companies say they will legally fight the BAMC, also known as the bad bank, for taking over their hotels. Foto: BoBo
Since acquiring Sava Turizem, the Bank Assets Management Company (BAMC) owns 30% of all the hotel capacities in Slovenia. The Sava and Istrabenz companies say they will legally fight the BAMC, also known as the bad bank, for taking over their hotels. Foto: BoBo

As the new owner of the hotels the bad bank promises to invest in them. Bad bank CEO Torbjorn Mansson: "It's been so for many years, the cash generated was used for other things and not invested back in assets, and this must change."

Unnamed sources from the tourism sector confirm that in recent years additional hotel capacities have been built, however basic equipment has not been renovated. The number of employees in the hotel business is in decline. The average gross pay is 1.300 euros, the value-added per employee is 31.000, which is below the national average. The country's hotels accumulated losses of around 62 million euros last year.

Economy minister Zdravko Počivalšek is convinced that the BAMC has to hire staff from both at home and abroad to manage the hotels. When the hotels are sold, its investors would be foreigners.
Sava and Istrabenz, who have been seized by the BAMC, have announced a legal struggle to protect their interests. Sava faces compulsory settlement proceedings, while Istrabenz faces bankruptcy.