47 different species of water birds have been noticed at Soboška Kamenšnica in the last two years. In winter time the number of bird species which can be seen there is greater than in summer. Foto: MMC RTV SLO
47 different species of water birds have been noticed at Soboška Kamenšnica in the last two years. In winter time the number of bird species which can be seen there is greater than in summer. Foto: MMC RTV SLO
Soboška kamenšnica
In winter Kamenšnica attracts a number of bird lovers and birdwatchers. Unlike other waters in the area its water remains unfrozen. Foto: MMC RTV SLO
Gregor Domanjko
President of the Pomurje Section of the Bird Watching and Bird Study Association of Slovenia - DOPPS emphasized that the January water bird count is the most systematic and organized census in Slovenia. Foto: MMC RTV SLO

Soboška Kamenšnica is an area which is in winter extremely important for water birds. It is a stopover location of migratory birds; some of them even spend the winter there. Therefore in winter season birdwatchers come in droves to the Bakovci gravel pit, as Soboška Kamenšnica usually remains unfrozen, unlike other water surfaces in the area.

47 different species of birds in last two years
"In this season of the year we can watch from 10 to 17 different species of water birds, e.g. coot, pochard tufted duck, great crested grebe, cormorant, common moorhen (also known as the swamp chicken), kingfisher, great egret, grey heron, and other species," explained Gregor Domanjko, President of the Pomurje Section of the Bird Watching and Bird Study Association of Slovenia - DOPPS. He said that in the last two years more than 47 different species of water birds have been observed at Soboška Kamenšnica, which in his opinion places this area among the most important water bodies in North-Eastern Slovenia. He explained that in summer less species of water birds can be found there.

They would like to reach a compromise
The main reason for watching birds is to establish which conflicts could, or are occurring at Kamenšnica in this season of the year. "I personally and other members of DOPPS association wish to keep this area interesting for water bird species which inhabit the surrounding area, and to make a kind of a compromise with all users of this space. We would like to define the space for electric boats, for boatmen etc." Domanjko said.

Annual water bird count in January
In January the annual water bird count is scheduled, always for the third weekend of the month. "It is the most systematic and organised census in Slovenia, performed annually since 1997," Domanjko explained and added that bird count is organized on all water surfaces in Slovenia – from the Slovenian coast to the waters in the Nort-Eastern Slovenia. You can participate as well! "They can join the count by contacting the coordinators who are in charge of a certain area in Slovenia – the information is available on our web site – and join the registrars which have been participating for years," he concluded.

M. L., translated by G. K.