This year, 84 teams and a couple thousands of visitors came to visit the bograč cooking competition. Foto: Organizator Bogračfesta
This year, 84 teams and a couple thousands of visitors came to visit the bograč cooking competition. Foto: Organizator Bogračfesta

For nearly two decades, the culinary event has ensured that the whole city smells of this popular dish. The evaluation commission announced the team of the Tourism Society Hoče as the Bograč Mater.
Bogračfest does not offer only bograč, but also some other homemade culinary delights, such as Lendava wine and crackling cakes. The organizers supplied wood and boilers to all competitors this year. They also prepared all the ingredients that are needed for bograč: three types of meat, onions, garlic, oil and all the necessary spices.
There were times when cooking was really a fashion trend and getting the title "Bograč Master" was an extremely high recognition. According to the organizers, the teams came well prepared this year. The six-member commission said that their decision was very difficult since this year's bograč dishes were all incredibly good.
10 teams received a golden prize, and the winning bograč won with 49 points out of 50. The Virs team won a second-place prize and the team of Moto Club Lendava won the third.