lLcals are outraged at the practice of resellers, who purchase cherries in Italy and Spain and then sell them as Brda cherries. Foto: BoBo
lLcals are outraged at the practice of resellers, who purchase cherries in Italy and Spain and then sell them as Brda cherries. Foto: BoBo

However, locals are still outraged at the practice of resellers, who purchase cherries in Italy and Spain and then sell them as Brda cherries. Some, are even more inventive. They buy a small portion of cherries from Brda farmers and the majority abroad, and then sell them all together under the "Briške češnje" (Brda cherries) brand. Food inspectors are working to try stop the so-called "green mafia", but they're clearly not doing enough.

There are 140 hectares of cherry orchards in the Goriška brda region, which means around 1,500 tons of cherries.
Radovan Jelina, the head of the Association of fruit growers from Goriška brda, advises buyers to read the lists of information their association members have when selling cherries. In his opinion, inspectors should be more active in prosecuting resellers, as well as the so-called "green mafia".
If I can give an example, three weeks ago a friend from Ljubljana called us to let us know that someone was selling Brda cherries by the road, at a time when the cherries in Brda were not even yellow.
The Food Safety Inspectorate reported that it had started inspecting the fruit offer sold at stands and markets at the end of April. The inspection campaign is not over yet. Most of the irregularities last year were discovered with sellers who had registered limited liability companies. Examining the documents of 24 sellers, the inspectors established inadequate origin in seven cases, inadequate traceability in three cases, and inadequate designation in six cases.