Luka Koper's trade union of crane operators has announced it would start gathering the support of employees in an attempt of convincing SDH to give up its plan of appointing three new supervisors. Foto: Radio Koper
Luka Koper's trade union of crane operators has announced it would start gathering the support of employees in an attempt of convincing SDH to give up its plan of appointing three new supervisors. Foto: Radio Koper

Crane operators believe that the background of these events may be a plan to divide the only Slovenia's port into several concessionary areas, and sell the company to a German buyer.

SDH assures that proper nomination procedures have been carried out, stating that Sorgenfrei obtained a PhD in transport science from the University of Hamburg, worked at Hamburg's main port for eight years and also lectured at the university. However, SDH has withheld the information that he is the co-author of OECD's study, which caused quite a stir among experts in July 2017. The study had concluded that – at least in medium-term – the second rail track would not have been financially feasible. Sorgenfrei presented the findings at a press conference in Ljubljana, including OECD's proposed alternative – building an inland terminal in the rail hub of Divača. The German argued that this was common practice in many ports around the world, and that this would be a good way for Luka Koper to retain its clients.

T. Š. (RA KP); translated by K. Z.