Goran Klemenčič, the former head of the anti-graft watchdog, is set to become the minister of Justice. Jana Roblek the head of the Judges' Association says that Klemenčič’s candidacy is not surprising, as she believes he is a good choice for that position. She also adds that if he manages to use his knowledge on how the judicial system works, Slovenia might benefit from it.
The integrity of the new government is certainly one of the main conditions for it to survive. PM-elect Mico Cerar supports the listed candidates including the future Health minister Milojka Kolar, who had been the target of considerable criticism, because of her former job as the head of insurance company Vzajemna. Doctors however do not see that as a problem, but are concerned with the new coalition agreement, which does not allow structural changes.
According to the opposition SDS and New Slovenia the candidate list indicates a continuation of the status quo and the disregard for legal principles, while the United Left and the Alliance of Alenka Bratušek decided to comment on the list after interviews of candidates have been conducted.