"We would like to see traffic safety improve. The trend is in the right direction, and if we want to keep it that way, traffic calming is the key," said Robert Vehovec from the traffic detail of the Slovenian Police at a press conference.
Speeding and alcohol are resulting in carnage on Slovenia's roads. Recently, cellphones are increasingly joining them as a cause of accidents, cautioned the participants of the gathering.
Speeding is the leading cause of accidents
The national campaign, which is being coordinated by the Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Traffic Safety, raises awareness and informs people that the best way to improve their own safety and the safety of others is by driving responsibly.
Speeding remains one of the leading causes of accidents. It also contributes to the severity of accidents and the number of severe injuries and fatalities. The agency's priority is to reduce the average speed of vehicles, which will result in fewer fatalities as well as fewer injuries.
Speeding is the main risk factor for drivers and passengers, but it is also the key for the safety of more vulnerable users of the road: pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists.
To achieve these goals, a preventative campaign is scheduled for three different periods: April, June, and August. The organizers of the campaign intend to convince drivers to respect speed limits and to adjust their speed to the current road conditions.
Fewer road fatalities in Slovenia
Last week, the European Commission published preliminary statistics on road safety for 2017. The report singled out Slovenia, which saw a 20-percent drop in the number of fatalities compared to 2016. Last year, 104 people died in road accidents, while the number was 130 the year before.