The German company Carthago in Odranci in eastern Slovenia employs more than 400 people and this year between 40 and 50 people more will be employed. Foto: MMC RTV SLO
The German company Carthago in Odranci in eastern Slovenia employs more than 400 people and this year between 40 and 50 people more will be employed. Foto: MMC RTV SLO

Next month the company in Odranci will manufacture its 7000th motorhome and production will be increased as last year the company built a new additional production hall. The German motorhome manufacturer is satisfied with the business results and the development of its factory in the region of Prekmurje. The factory in Odranci has been built five years ago. Klaus Vogel the company’s director said that four different motorhomes are manufactured in its Slovenian factory.