Hostel Celica Hostel has been awarded the Green Sign of approval for sustainability. Foto: Hostel Celica
Hostel Celica Hostel has been awarded the Green Sign of approval for sustainability. Foto: Hostel Celica

The hostel has received the Gold Travelife certificate, a prestigious recognition awarded by the international organisation for the promotion of sustainable operation in the field of tourism.
"Celica Hostel has always been setting the standards in youth tourism," says the hostel's director Tomaž Juvan, adding that there is a lot of competition on the market, which is why it's important to know what added value one can offer: "To offer sustainable eco story is something that makes the brand stronger and attracts people."

The newly acquired environmental seal by Gold Travelife will certainly help strengthen the brand: "Being awarded the Gold Travelife environmental seal of approval is an important recognition for us and Ljubljana. It proves that we're successfully following the vision of sustainable operation."

As Juvan explained at a press conference, Celica has become the world's first hostel that has fulfilled all 150 criteria of sustainability, as defined in the international scheme for the promotion of sustainable operation in the field of tourism, which does not only consider environmental aspects but also the company's cooperation with suppliers, business operations, the attitude towards the employees as well as the integration into the local community. The certificate brings greater recognisability as well as competitiveness in the international environment.

Green supply chains
An important part of Celica's sustainable orientation is also providing local and eco-friendly food. The hostel was among the first to join a project on green supply chains, organised by Turizem Ljubljana, and has been cooperating with local suppliers.

The goal of the project is to offer simple, affordable, fully organised supply of 100% local food to hotels and restaurants, and when this is not possible, food produced on a regional or national level. Green chains supply institutions, organisations and companies with local food, which is delivered to the consumers by travelling the shortest possible distance.

D. S., MMC; translated by K. Z.