"Slovenia has decided to erect the fence after thorough consideration. The fence is being erected only on the Slovenian side of the border, and is not in any way prejudging the question of the border which is being solved by the Court of Arbitration," explained Miro Cerar. Foto: BoBo

"Slovenia has decided to erect the fence after thorough consideration. The fence is being erected only on the Slovenian side of the border, and is not in any way prejudging the question of the border which is being solved by the Court of Arbitration," explained Miro Cerar. The Slovenian PM in his discussion with the Croatian PM Zoran Milanović once again expressed hope that no problems would arise from building technical obstructions, i.e. fences.

"I gave him my assurance that we have considered this move thoroughly, and that the fence is being built only on our side of the border," Cerar emphasized, and appealed to Milanović that refugees should be directed by Croatia to the organized entry points. Milanović said that Slovenia was erecting fences for internal political reasons. He expressed hope that the countries will manage to avoid tension between the two countries which are mainly the consequence of noise in communication, and added that a couple of kilometres of fences next to border crossings would scarcely make a difference.

The Charge d' Affairs at the Slovenian Embassy Matjaž Rakovec repeated that the fence was being erected on the Slovenian territory, and that it was not a measure directed against Croatia. Its purpose is only to prevent uncontrolled entry of refugees into the Slovenian territory. According to Rakovec the fence is a temporary measure; Slovenia is aware of the border dispute, and the border is not prejudged by this fence.

A. P. J., K. Št.
Translated by G. K.