The consequences of the resignation of Finance Minister Dušan Mramor would be damaging to the interests of Slovenia. That's the explanation PM Miro Cerar gave for his decision to reject Mramor's offer of resignation. Foto: BoBo
The consequences of the resignation of Finance Minister Dušan Mramor would be damaging to the interests of Slovenia. That's the explanation PM Miro Cerar gave for his decision to reject Mramor's offer of resignation. Foto: BoBo

Cerar was critical of Mramor's actions in his role as the dean, but still Mramor's achievements at stabilisation of the public finances prevailed.
Dušan Mramor will thus remain the Finance Minister with the explicit support of the otherwise critical prime minister. According to PM, Mramor is one of the best Finance Ministers in Europe, who did make mistakes as a dean, but not as a minister, "who has, together with the government, made such progress in the field of finance and consolidation, that it makes perfect sense he should continue his work - for the good of Slovenia."
Cerar has mentioned the number of requests for resignations of ministers, which are happening at the time the government has reached the biggest breakthrough of the past years. The indicators are positive, finances in order, health care is facing changes, and the budgets adopted.

Cerar responds to the reproaches concerning the promised ethics by emphasizing that the affair was disclosed by the SMC Party. "It shows that we are serious about the rule of law - also when it concerns our close coworkers."