PM Miro Cerar on Odmevi news show assured that the second railway track connecting the Port of Koper and Divača will be constructed. Foto: MMC RTV SLO
PM Miro Cerar on Odmevi news show assured that the second railway track connecting the Port of Koper and Divača will be constructed. Foto: MMC RTV SLO

In PM's opinion, at the frictions within the coalition regarding the interpellation against the Minister of Labour Anja Kopač Mrak the key role will be played by his party, SMC. It is the largest party, therefore carrying the most responsibility, and it will set an example of responsible behaviour for the coalition partners. "Now it is my duty to stabilize the situation, and to pay no attention to those whose intention is to grab a slice of the pie by destablizing the government, and perhaps causing a new crisis - which would be detrimental to Slovenian as a whole," he explained.

As an example of correct and good solutions he mentioned the migrant crisis. Slovenia needed half a year to get it under control, while maintaining a humanitarian attitude towards migrants, and preserving safety within the country, normal operation of economy and the system of the state, claims the president of the government. "Such should be the policy of a responsible government; it is the direction I am heading, and will continue to do so."
Replacement of supervisors at the Port of Koper
The announced replacement of three supervisors at the Port of Koper, among them also the president of the supervision board Alenka Žnidaršič Kranjc, who expressed heavy accusations against the Minister of Infrastructure Peter Gašperšič, has caused a stir among a part of the public at the Coast, including a number of the members of parliament from the SMC party. They demand explanations on staffing. Cerar's comment was: "According to data I had received it is a professional decision which has been reviewed several times, and I see no reasons for doubt. Should suspicions of unethical or illicit staffing be confirmed, or even the intention of doing harm, we will act immediately. We will keep an open eye on the matter." He refrained from further comments, as he considers it a professional issue which must be solved by the Slovenian Sovereign Holding Management Board.