Talking to journalist Slavko Bobovnik the PM assured that "even a superminister can’t solve all the accumulated problems in one or two years. I therefore fully support the minister, who is on the right track. Of course, there are also a number of other parties involved with which we will have to find common solutions, and we will," PM Cerar stressed in the interview.
PM Cerar also revealed that he will propose current State Secretary Mateja Vraničar Erman for new Finance Minister. In the interview he also touched on the recent developments at the Slovenian Intelligence Agency SOVA, where the head of the agency has been accused of corruption. "The head of the agency enjoys my full support. I am familiar with his personal and business issues and he has my support, for he has convinced me that his actions were not contentious. I beg your pardon, but during the many previous governments the intelligence agency has been strongly discredited and its functioning downgraded. Many negative issues have come up to the surface, such as nepotism and clientelism, and that has to be stopped. The head of the agency is doing that and that’s why I support him," said Cerar.
PM Cerar also answered questions connected to the refugee crisis - he said he was convinced that the EU had to take more decisive measures in the countries that refugees originate from - and Slovenia’s position in the European Union. Responding to comments about his party’s lower ratings in the latest opinion polls, Cerar said the SMC Modern Centre Party was constantly among the top three parties in the country, and that the party was on the right track.