PM Cerar stressed that his SMC party was not responsible for the Patria case in any way, nor was the case in his government's jurisdiction. Foto: BoBo
PM Cerar stressed that his SMC party was not responsible for the Patria case in any way, nor was the case in his government's jurisdiction. Foto: BoBo

A few days ago the opposition SDS party sent an internal communication letter to President Borut Pahor, PM Miro Cerar, and to the Speaker of the National Assembly Milan Brglez. In the letter the SDS proposed the holding of a joint meeting. The purpose of the meeting would be to establish whether there was "readiness to seek a political agreement for undoing the injustice that was caused to Slovenia's democracy and the SDS."

The letter was then leaked to the public. The SDS blames Brglez, who decided to respond publicly to the letter. And as the letter had already been out in the public, PM Cerar "allowed himself to respond" not only to the opposition party, but also to the public.

Cerar: The SMC is not responsible for Patria
In his response PM Cerar stressed that his SMC Modern Centre Party was not responsible for the Patria case, not today and not in the past, nor was it in his government's jurisdiction. He did admit though that the coalition MPs, including those from the SMC party, did vote for taking away Janez Janša's MP status. Their decision was later repealed by the Constitutional Court. PM Cerar emphasized that his MPs "relied in good faith on the opinions of several renowned constitutional law experts" and that the law, in his case, was exceptionally incomplete.