The PM said the government was seriously preparing for all possible scenarios. He stressed that the government would act humanly, as the refugees in question were people in dire need. He also stressed the question of Slovenia's capacities in terms of integration and safety. The government will discuss these issues at Friday's session.
PM Cerar is constantly in touch with the Ministry of the Interior, which in coordination with other ministries is closely following the events and preparing adequate measures. Slovenia says it is ready for a possible influx of refugees i.e. migrants. According to Cerar, Slovenia started preparing for the situation from the very beginning of the migrant crisis, also by increasing the country's capacities for lodging migrants and integration.
PM Cerar explained that in its solidarity plan the EU has envisaged funds for accommodation, however in his opinion the amount is too little to meet the current needs. Therefore Slovenia will have to take use of its own means and capacities.
Mr. Cerar said that it "partly holds true" that Europe was caught unprepared and that the crisis has exceeded the expected dimensions. But different countries are in different situations. Every country has to contribute to Europe's solidarity and humanitarian policy, but on the other hand it also has to take care of its own citizens.
"The government is also concerned about how it will be able to help such a big number of migrants," Cerar admitted. However, according to the PM it is important to approach the issue "openly and without fear" and at the same time ensure that the situation "doesn't disturb the processes in the country".
The PM said he was pleased with the activities of NGOs. He is to meet the representatives of a number of NGOs on Friday to discuss the issue. Also present at the meeting will be the ministers of defence, interior affairs, labour, family, social affairs and equal rights. At the occasion PM Cerar will also present to the NGOs Slovenia's readiness report for the currently estimated flow of migrants.