Canadian Chris Hadfield travelled to Space three times, the last time in 2012. Foto: EPA
Canadian Chris Hadfield travelled to Space three times, the last time in 2012. Foto: EPA
Intervju s Chrisom Hadfieldom (angleščina)

As of this week, people have been living on the International Space Station for 15 years. That’s the reason the guest of our podcast Številke (Numbers) is the Canadian Chris Hadfield who travelled to Space three times, the last time in 2012.

He told us that being one of the few people in the world who had the opportunity to see our planet from another perspective was a great honour, but also a great responsibility. "I consider this experience an enormous privilege and a lifelong obligation. I gained a lot from the experience, and I feel it is my duty to share it in the best possible manner," he explained.

"The International Space Station completes an orbit of our planet every 92 minutes. The sunshine there is unimaginable, as there is nothing between you and the Sun. In 92 minutes you can see the entire planet, you circle the Earth 16 times a day, every day. The Earth keeps moving below, and every second another part of the world is visible. It is an unbelievably intense experience. The space station has windows, and although the astronauts are constantly preoccupied with performing all kinds of tests and controlling the space station, we take a moment to look at the Earth. It is a truly magnificent, enchanting sight," Hadfield said for MMC.

The recording of the entire conversation is available here.

Slavko Jerič; translated by G. K.

Intervju s Chrisom Hadfieldom (angleščina)