Slovenia's police informed that it intervened when two Croatian police boats approached a Slovenian fisherman. Foto: BoBo/Srdjan Živulović
Slovenia's police informed that it intervened when two Croatian police boats approached a Slovenian fisherman. Foto: BoBo/Srdjan Živulović

One of the two such incidents today was caught on camera by TV Slovenija. A Slovenian police patrol boat had to intervene when Croatian patrol boats stood in the way of a fisherman from Izola, Mitja Sluga, trying to catch some octopus.

"It happens here in this area on a daily basis," said Sluga. "Once we cross the middle of the bay Croatian policemen pay us a visit and inform us that we have to turn back. Then the Slovenian police arrives and that's that. It happens many times every day."

"It's not nice to work in such an atmosphere"
The Croatian police vessel remained next to the boat of the Slovenian fisherman for around half an hour. The fisherman then turned his boat around and set sail towards Izola. Sluga said he turned around because he finished with his daily fishing. "But it's not nice to work in such an atmosphere, when you have three or four boats around you," added Sluga.

Slovenia's police informed that it intervened when two Croatian police boats approached a Slovenian fisherman. The police issued a warning to the Croatians and protected the Slovenian fisherman in his fishing. We also found out about another similar incident in that area today. Even in that case the Slovenian police issued a warning, officially registered the incident, and then reported it to the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Edi Mavsar; translated by K. J.