The largest decrease in registered unemployment rate was recorded in the Pomurska region. Foto: BoBo
The largest decrease in registered unemployment rate was recorded in the Pomurska region. Foto: BoBo

The registered unemployment rate for men reached 11.9%, and was lower by 0.3 percentage points than in January. For women, the registered unemployment rate was 13.5%, which is by 0.2 percentage points lower than a month before.
The registered unemployment rate in February decreased in all the statistic regions, most notably in the Pomurje region, namely by 0.8 percentage points to 20.2%.
The increase of employment was more notable among male population
At the end of February the monthly comparison in the country showed that the number of persons employed increased by 0.5%, or by 0.6% compared to February of the last year.
The number of persons employed on a monthly level increased by 3,700, the number of employed males by approximately 2,200, and the number of employed women by approximately 1,600.
Most of them, i.e. 95%, were employed by legal persons, the remaining number by natural persons. The number of self-employed persons increased by more than 200 to 86,900, and also in this instance more men than women.
The number of persons employed decreased at the monthly level in five sectors, and increased in 15. The largest decrease was in professional, scientific and technical activities, while the increase was noted in processing industry.