During the preliminary debate, SMC, DeSUS, SAB, and SNS promised to support Židan, while SDS was critical of his candidacy and announced its opposition. Foto: BoBo/Borut Živulović
During the preliminary debate, SMC, DeSUS, SAB, and SNS promised to support Židan, while SDS was critical of his candidacy and announced its opposition. Foto: BoBo/Borut Živulović

Sixty ballots were distributed before the vote; all of them were returned. Three were invalid. Of the valid ballots, 49 were in favor of Židan's candidacy, while eight were against. This enabled the SD head to be elected. He had been nominated by MPs from LMŠ, SD, SMC, SAB, DeSUS, and the Left.

During the preliminary debate, SMC, DeSUS, SAB, and SNS promised to support Židan, while SDS was critical of his candidacy and announced its opposition.

Židan: We've got to say what we think
In his address after being elected, Židan thanked the MPs for expressing their opinions, both in favor and against this candidacy. "I feel that our first task must be to say what we think of each other and to state our positions even when they are critical," he said. He added that criticism and opposing positions "helps us to hold a mirror up to each other and compare our positions in order to make better decisions."

As the first among equals, Židan asked MPs to maintain the respect of others despite criticism: "Our task is to increase the level of political culture and to remain respectful, not just in this chamber, but everywhere; in front of the cameras and away from them."