Although it may seem unusual at first sight, but the topic is very theatrical, explains the theatre director. Foto: Janko Oven
Although it may seem unusual at first sight, but the topic is very theatrical, explains the theatre director. Foto: Janko Oven

The idea of exploring the topic through theatre has been inspired by personal experience from the theatre director Nina Šorak and dramaturge Urša Adamič, whose grandmothers suffered from dementia. Based on personal experience and the stories of their mothers, the two young artists created a theatrical narrative that brings at the forefront the relationship of a mother suffering from Alzheimer's disease with her son, who gradually takes on the role of her caretaker.

The audience is led into the world of a person with dementia through Jula, who is trapped in the cycle of her own mind. She often loses the thread of events and keeps starting her narration. She also needs to face her inability to recognize her loved ones. The performance Where was I (original: Kje sem ostala) shows the relationship between the mother and the son, how they adapt to new circumstances and how they also nurture their loving connection.

Addressing a wide audience
Although it may seem unusual at first sight, but the topic is very theatrical, explains the theatre director. Situations in which demented people find themselves in reality are easily translatable into the language of the theatre. However, the purpose of the project is not limited to the theatre world; moreover, its ambition is to address the relatives of people suffering from dementia as well as the sufferers themselves.

The play premieres on 4 December in Plesni teater Ljubljana.

N. Ar., MMC; translated by K. Z.